- July 7, 2024 11:00 AM GMT+10
- Sydney , Australia
- Auction Details
Oceanic Art | PALMS Collection | Unreserved | Onsite
37 lots
Decorative Art (36)
Inner Filter Options Collectibles (1)
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Oscar Towa (2)
John Siune (1)
9001: A Large Woven House Panel, Torembi Village, Sepik River, Papua New Guinea
9002: Two Ceramic Vessels Including a Dimiri Village Smoking Pot and a Cooking Vessel, Papua New Guinea
9003: A Contemporary Ancestral Mask, Tambanum Village, Sepik River, Papua New Guinea
9004: A Sago Plath and Woven Fibre Wall Plaque, Torembi Village, Sepik Region, Papua New Guinea
9005: An Ancestral Gable Mask, Middle Sepik River Region, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea
9006: A Fibre Wall Panel, Torembi Village, Sepik River Region, Papua New Guinea
9007: An Ancestral Gable Mask, Korogo Village, Middle Sepik River, Papua New Guinea
9008: A Large Sago Plath and Woven Fibre Wall Plaque in the Form of a Female Figure, Torembi Village, Sepik River Region, Papua New Guinea
9009: A Gable Mask, Guvermas Village, Blackwater River, Sepik Region, Papua New Guinea
9010: A Large Sago Plath and Fiber Wall Plaque with an Ancestral Mask Affixed, Torembi Village, Sepik Region, Papua New Guinea
9011: A Gable Mask, Blackwater River, Sepik Region, Papua New Guinea
9012: A Large Sago Plath and Woven Fibre Wall Plaque, Torembi Village, Sepik Region, Papua New Guinea
9014: A Wooden Mock Trophy Head, Korogo Village, Sepik River, Papua New Guinea
9015: An Ancestral Figure, Maramba Village, Sepik Region, Papua New Guinea
9016: An Ancestral Figure, Mindimbit Village, Sepik River, Papua New Guinea
9017: A Dish in the Form of a Crocodile and Two Penis Gourds, Sepik Region, Papua New Guinea
9018: A Sago Plath and Woven Fibre Wall Plaque, Sepik Region, Papua New Guinea
9019: A Large Gable Mask, Sepik River, Papua New Guinea